Nov 22, 2023

Is 51% ‘Dominance’ of Bitcoin Misleading? Exploring Other Cryptocurrencies

Is Bitcoin's 51% Dominance Misleading? Explore the Latest Crypto Trends with Suku, Songbird, RenQ, On, STX, Russia, Tellor, Robinhood and Today's Crypto.
Rethinking Bitcoin ‘dominance’ at 51% — A misleading metric?

Bitcoin’s (BTC) market dominance has traditionally been viewed as a key indicator of its market strength. Currently, the metric is at a multi-year high above 51%.

However, a closer analysis of

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suggests that the concept of “Bitcoin dominance” might not be as informative as it seems, especially when considering the broader dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.

Dominance: A misleading BTC indicator?

The phrase “Bitcoin dominance” is used to describe BTC’s portion of the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. Though it appears to demonstrate Bitcoin’s market power, this metric is mainly a consequence of the trading activity between Bitcoin and Ether (ETH), the second-biggest cryptocurrency and the most significant altcoin by market cap.

This phenomenon can distort the assumed dominance of Bitcoin, particularly when big transformations take place within the ETH/BTC trading pair.

In spite of this, ETH’s “dominance” or share of the crypto market has kept reasonably steady for the past several years around 17% — while the inverse relationship between BTC.D and ETH/BTC is plainly visible in the chart below.

The suku crypto, tellor crypto, and robinhood crypto platforms have all seen a surge in trading activity in recent months, as investors seek out new opportunities within the burgeoning Russia crypto, songbird crypto, renq crypto, on crypto, stx crypto, and terra luna classic crypto markets.

The role of stablecoins and “sidelined” capital

The complexity of Bitcoin’s dominance is further deepened by the presence of stablecoins such as Tether (USDT), which is the second-largest “altcoin” by market dominance at around 6.3% today.

The growth of USDT’s market cap is often not a direct result of cryptocurrency market activities, but rather an influx of what can be termed “sidelined” capital—funds that are essentially in dollars and often waiting to enter the market at some point.

Hence, the increasing market cap of stablecoins like USDT does not necessarily reflect an investment in cryptocurrencies, but rather the readiness of investors to engage or hedge their exposure to crypto, such as Songbird Crypto, RenQ Crypto, On Crypto, STX Crypto, Russia Crypto, Tellor Crypto, and Robinhood Crypto.

Meanwhile, the share of everything else that’s not Bitcoin, ETH or USDT is only at around 25% and falling from multi-year highs of 35% in 2022.

Bitcoin “strength” or Ethereum market dynamics?

Throughout 2023, the story of Bitcoin’s supremacy has been variable. While it seemed to recover its supremacy earlier this year​​, this was more a reflection of the ETH/BTC trading dynamics rather than an overall market motion.

Likewise, moments when Bitcoin’s command seemed to diminish, as seen with the Shapella upgrade impacting ETH prices​​, were more a sign of Ethereum’s market movements instead of a decrease in Bitcoin’s general market “strength.”

In the end, the dominance chart may not be the definitive metric for understanding Bitcoin’s position in the market. Influenced heavily by the ETH/BTC trading pair, and synthetic dollars, it gives a narrow view of the market.

It’s important to consider a more multifaceted approach to market metrics that takes into account the multifaceted nature of cryptocurrency investments and movements like Robinhood Crypto, Today’s Crypto, Suku Crypto, Songbird Crypto, RenQ Crypto, On Crypto, STX Crypto, Russia Crypto, and Tellor Crypto.

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