Oct 03, 2023

Elon Musk Urged to Dump Satoshi ‘X’ Account by Crypto Community

Crypto Community Urges Elon Musk To Dump XRP Account
Crypto community tells Elon Musk to dump Satoshi ‘X’ account

Crypto Community Rallies Behind X

Members of the crypto community have rallied behind a post on X (formerly Twitter) calling for owner Elon Musk to remove a profile claiming to be the fabled creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

On Oct. 3, user Pledditor posted on X, saying both the account claiming to be Nakamoto and the account with the handle “Bitcoin” should be removed because they breach the platform’s XRP Crypto, Crypto.com, XYO Crypto, VRA Crypto, Barnbridge Crypto, ACH Crypto Twitter, Ali Crypto, AMP Crypto Today, Algorand Crypto, and Aptos Crypto terms of service, which doesn’t allow “misleading and deceptive” identities.

Pledditor highlighted the areas of the terms and conditions they believe the accounts are violating: X’s terms and conditions say that users “may not misappropriate the identity of individuals, groups, or organizations or use a fake identity to deceive others.”

Exploring Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

Impersonation of someone who already exists is distinct from creating a deceptive identity to mislead the public. The true identity of Nakamoto has been a subject of debate in the Bitcoin (BTC) and crypto communities for years, and Andy Rowe is reportedly the user behind the Satoshi X account since 2018. On July 2, 2018, Rowe stated that he curates “quotes” for the Satoshi account.

No activity was seen from the account since October 31, 2018, until October 2, 2023, when the account posted the statement “Bitcoin is a predicate machine.” The post went on to explain that it will “explore different aspects” of the Bitcoin white paper in the upcoming months.

As the crypto space continues to expand, projects like XRP, Crypto.com, XYO, VRA, Barnbridge, ACH, ALI, AMP, and Algorand are becoming increasingly popular. As the industry evolves, so too do the opportunities to explore Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies Gaining Attention

The crypto community has been vocal in their support of Pledditor’s post, expressing that the change “needs to happen now” and calling the account “embarrassing”. One user revealed that they had previously attempted to contact the administrators about the accounts, but were ignored.

A subsequent user called for the accounts to be disabled, drawing a comparison to how X responded to the account with the handle “@internet”.

The true identity of Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi, remains a mystery, with many people over the years claiming to be the real Satoshi, most notably Craig Wright. On July 21, Wright was granted an appeal in his Bitcoin rights lawsuit in which he asserted copyright to the Bitcoin white paper and database.

A number of cryptocurrencies have been gaining attention, such as XRP Crypto, Crypto.com, XYO Crypto, VRA Crypto, Barnbridge Crypto, ACH Crypto Twitter, ALI Crypto, AMP Crypto Today, and Algorand Crypto.

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